Reduction of Surgical Setup in University Hospital with Implementation of Quick Tool Exchange as an Improvement for Patient Safety
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Published: 16 January 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Introduction: Patient safety in the surgical environment is a worldwide concern, therefore, improvements in management efficiency and excellence in the quality of services provided in the surgical center are sought.
Aim: To analyze the implementation of the Rapid Tool Exchange (TRF) methodology to reduce surgical setup in a university hospital through the improvement of patient safety.
Methodology: This was a descriptive crosssectional study conducted between June and December 2015, in which the TRF methodology was implemented based on the lean concept, with adaptation to 13 rooms of a surgical suite of a university hospital in Porto Alegre in five surgical specialties. Project was approved by the institution’s Ethics Committee.
Results: In all the surgical specialties analyzed, there was a reduction in surgical setup time, with a maximum decrease of eight minutes.
Conclusions: The implantation of TRF made it possible to reduce the surgical set-up by validating the times to create a performance indicator, promoting improvements in room utilization rates, optimizing the protocol for safe surgery and promoting quality care.
Keywords: Surgical Centers; Perioperative Nursing; Patient safety; Surgical rooms; Organization and Administration.

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How to Cite
Rosane da Silva Veiga Pirovano, Flavio Fogliatto, Daniela Silva dos Santos Schneider, Cecilia Helena Glanzner. (2019-01-16). "Reduction of Surgical Setup in University Hospital with Implementation of Quick Tool Exchange as an Improvement for Patient Safety." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-10